Wednesday, June 6, 2007

It ain't open til 11, but is sure is good.

Oh snap! Today was one glorious day as I made it to Convoy Street. It was like I died and went anywhere but San Diego. Sandwiched between endless car dealerships was myriad asian cuisine, and I was hunting Pho. I went to Phoung Trang Restaurant and got my Bun Thit Nuong on. the fried rolls were bigger than I have ever gotten, and the pork was skewered, and thick, BBQ'd in a fish sauce that was tasty, but I was like "Who got snapper on my hog?" at first. And me a my colleagues got out of there for under 27$, and we were hella full. After, I was forced to make a stop a Walmart. Man, that place is like a whole 'nother world, one where hillbillys walk with the living. I hate walMart, and am proud to say I have never purchased anything there. I can not say the same for my company. Oh well. I like the pho, place is open til 9:30pm weekdays, a little later on Fri/weekends. I would definitely go back, however, the traditional noodle soup was a little smaller than expected, everyone at the table agreed.

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